Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Vegetarian and a Whole Lot More

I'm having trouble. Despite what Tiff says, my trouble is not with the vegetarian thing, in fact, I feel great. I feel energized. I feel motivated. I feel wonderful. The trouble is that I'm pretty doubtful the change in diet has anything to do with it, and the true energizer and motivator is the list of sacrifices and challenges that are floating around in my head for later on.

I'm getting married in two short months and there are a number of things I would like to do in preparation for the wedding. I have a long list of ideas for this blog and I'm struggling not trying to do them all at once. I will have to start doubling up on challenges, but if the idea is to see the effect of what I'm writing about on my regular life, I shouldn't be changing everything in my life. Plus, if the challenge could lead to self-improvement, shouldn't I be doing it?

It's also very strange, because with my hit counter reading 12, now 13, it's pretty clear that nobody is reading this, but the fact that I'm documenting the challenge I'm sure is the only reason why I haven't thrown in the towel already and brought home a pound of ground beef and cooked it up with a few strips of bacon and eaten it with a spoon.

Also, vegetarians aren't restricted from going out to eat, but I'm not sure where I would go or how that would work. Not eating out for a full month would be a sacrifice in and of itself, one that could have huge effects, and that's kind of where I'm headed.

In conclusion, I think I need to make a more conscious effort not to change any of my life except what I'm trying to do. That being said, I also am going to start a new sacrifice soon. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Don't give up now...I'm checking in on you everyday!

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