Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Exercise My Patience

The makeover is increasingly difficult and hurdles are springing out of the woodwork. Tiff and I finally got motivated a couple of days ago, on Monday, and went walking through the quiet little neighborhood near our apartment complex just as night was falling.

Tiff, with all of her natural navigational know-how, led the way, charging farther and farther away from home. I didn't so much mind the distance, or the power-walk pace, but I knew that she was guiding us towards a very busy road so I suggested turning... often. But Tiff would not be swayed. We had a made a sacrifice and we must sacrifice fully. I put my foot down when she turned left towards a highway and a road with no sidewalks.

About this time we also realized we did not have much of a chance of making it home before 9pm. We may have treated it like the witching hour, but 9pm is just the time that Heroes comes on. There are only a few shows that I watch regularly and that is one of them. Come to think of it, it's the only prime time show that is a must-watch for me week after week.

I was determined to get home in time. Our power walk took speeds that even heroes would be proud of. I think Tiff was more determined not to piss me off, so together we raced down the neighborhood streets. I ran through the door, huffing and puffing, sweat dripping down, and turned on the tv just as the "previously on..." scenes were rolling.

Fast-forward a day. Tiff likes our route and more importantly our speed, so we set out again. This time we prepare ourselves for the trip. We dress more appropriately. I take off my glasses, which I do from time to time for no real reason, and leave them behind. Just as we are leaving Tiff grabs the cell-phone to keep an eye on the time. Our goal is the same route in under an hour, which is about what we did the first day.

And we are off. We are trucking. We are really zooming. It's a nice walk. We talk about stuff like how the homes cost too much. $430,000 to live in the shadows of your neighbor. And at the end, we climb up our stairs ten minutes faster than the previous time. We are happy. Tiff has a show to watch. I'm going to post a few blogs because I'm getting behind, all is well, and then I try to turn the doorknob. We are locked out.

The only thing we have on us is a cell phone. No money. No car keys. But thank god for the cell phone. With a little help, thanks Martha, we call a locksmith and about two hours and $195! later, we get into our home, stinking to high heaven, with just enough time for me to shower and head off to work.

When I planned the exercise part of this, I had visions of excruciating pain and lots of sweat and clanking weights and water bottles with pre-bended straws, but it hasn't started out that way. I like the walking and it definitely is a work-out, but a part of me thinks there should be more grunting and maybe sweatbands and leg-warmers. Tiff's got the right idea. We'll see what I do though.

1 comment:

Tiffany Duffy said...

you failed to mention we did NOT lock ourselves out. The filter-changer-man locked us out. Damn the man.

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