Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I finally got started on tanning yesterday, and I am that much closer to dying. I am in for the long haul too. Tiff and I both got year-end packages of unlimited tanning. I could tan from 9am to 9pm every day of the week.

It is a bizarre process though, with the first day being dominated by embarrassment and feeling like a fool. I'm sure there will be multiple stories involved but after one day, five minutes I should say, my skin hurts.

I can however see why people do it. It does feel pretty good while you're in there, and I'm curious to see if regular visits change my mood at all, particularly as I work nights and will soon be sleeping during the entire daylight hours. Not to mention, I'm curious if I can become a nice solid orange color before Christmas.


John Duffy said...

Tiff and I are going to have to work out some signals to stop recording.


Martha said...

No need for any signals...looks like you got a pretty good one right now. Bla-a-agh-agh-agh seems to do the trick.

I also enjoy seeing the uncomfortable closing at the end of all of you videos when it is obvious that you are done but Tiff hasn't turned the camera off yet.

You're videos always make me laugh outloud.

The Chimp said...

We've just watched the ending of the video over and over. Probably 10 times. The kids are willing to watch again and again until bedtime. Still laughing!

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