Monday, September 1, 2008

Video Games

Yep, I'm starting up the old sacrifices again. And I'm starting with a heavyweight - video games. I'm not sure if I could say I'm addicted to video games, but I sure play more than my fair share. I probably play a couple of hours each day and would play a lot more if I could. Basically, it's a big time suck, that I can say with certainty got in the way of my other sacrifices. I'm curious, with no other projects/sacrifices going on, what I will do with all this free time.

So ... No Video Games - 1 Month.

Sweets... Take Two

I'm giving up sweets in the month of September. I did this last November and by the end of the month I really did feel a lot better. I didn't write much about it last time, so maybe I'll try harder this time.

Admittedly though, and perhaps more significantly, I'm not doing this for the story of it - I'm not doing it for the blog. I'm doing it because I want to feel that good feeling again. My main sacrifice this month will be video games. So... just like before, no sweets, no soda.

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