Monday, October 1, 2007

No Cheating

So far so good, I am officially four days into vegetarianism. I can't say that it's been all that tough, although all I've had was homemade pizza green pepper/pineapple pizza and vegetarian lasagna, see: They taste much better than they look... which, they look worse than the greasy, mouth-watering, mess of a hamburger from Five Guys in the first post, but they both taste pretty good. And that lasagna should last a couple more days before I bite the bullet and move on to the real challenges, veggie burgers, although I hear the veggie hot dogs really aren't that bad.

I feel like I'm cheating a bit though. As a vegetarian, I'm not eating many vegetables. I could easily last a month eating bean burritos and cheese pizza, so I am announcing a new guideline to my challenge. I must eat a salad everyday. It's a small addition, but I figure it only makes sense.

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