Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Big Girls Don't Cry...

... But big boys sure do whine a lot about being a so-called "vegetarian".

My version of the grocery shopping goes something like this... There were actual bullets of sweat involved. He started going downhill in the produce section and by the time we hit up the frozen foods, I was worried he might have a total meltdown. He was so put off by the veggie-meats that (in order to get out of the store as fast as possible) he started to throw in one of everything despite the six dollar price tag per box! I talked him down and we managed to get out of the store with a few meatless goodies to try. John definitely downplayed the whole experience. I can't wait to read what he writes about having lunch at my Grandmother's last Sunday... Let's just say he didn't handle having to turn down the gravy too well.

This whole vegetarian month challenge is great for me. I don't really like meat all that much anyway, and it's not going to be hard for me to deny it for 31 days (unless someone evil decides to wave crabcakes or Japanese hibachi under my nose). I'm excited to try the new recipes (this was the first time making lasagna for me!) and the new foods (especially tofutti!). So I guess I should cut John some slack since he is clearly doing more of the actual sacrificing. BUT his last post did not do justice to the last few days.

Every night John asks me what we are having for dinner with a look of pure dread on his face. I'm not kidding.. it's hilarious. So far I've gone easy on him with the veggie pizza & lasagna... but the day is coming where my answer will be "Soy-Dogs!" I'm not sure how he's going to handle it, but it's going to be fun...

1 comment:

Martha said...

Sorry John, Tiff's version of the grocery shopping sounds more accurate. Although, I think I can understand your frustration - I've never been inclined to eat a veggie burger but my husband swears they aren't 'that' bad.

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