Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Slow Going

It is I...

Do I look like a bad dream? I am most definitely not Captain Vegetable. I'm much more like Andy and Eddy. In fact, as an experimental vegetarian, I've rarely ventured into the world of vegetables. Like Captain Vegetable, I like carrots and celery, but after that, well, there's not much else I like. I haven't strayed once into the world of meat, though.

Tiff and I have gotten lazy with our vegetarianism. We started out strong, cooking vegetarian meals, which for the most part were all really good, but in the past few days we've been out to eat several times. I should note that I haven't felt too great the past few days. I think it's just a cold, but I haven't slept too much, not for lack of trying. Tiff and I usually get Chicken McNuggets when we don't feel good, but we've definitely compensated for it recently.

We went to Fridays because we heard they had Fried Mac'n'Cheese, which that much cheese makes my cheeks sweat, and we ended up splitting one of the two meals that does not have meat in it. I never thought I would eat a Portabella mushroom sandwich, let alone like it as much as I do.

We did a breakfast buffet on Sunday, where it is pretty easy to avoid meat. Now if we were vegetarians with a cause and didn't eat eggs or even milk, we probably couldn't have eaten anything they had to offer, but as it is, we filled our bellies and left grossly full but wanting to eat more. And then yesterday, we got suckered in by television commercials and got Dominoes Two for Tuesdays deal.

Tiff admitted the other day that this would be easier if we had some sort of cause, like we don't eat meat because of the evil people who make meat. My response was that the story was reason enough to do it, but we aren't making much of a story of it by going out to eat so much.

So just to add another level to the story, I've had several out-of-my-way-coming-through trips to the bathroom in the past few days, which could be from being sick but I've never had symptoms like that with a regular cold before.

Also, strangly, my pee stinks. My pee has been stinking for a couple weeks now. I have stinky pee.


Martha said...

Three cheers...Crunch, Crunch, Crunch.

Sounds like you are having a down day...or couple of days. Keep your head up, you're almost done with this challenge.

Don't give in now! I have confidence in you.

Martha said...

I've now had this damn song stuck in my head for a full 24 hours...its hard to sleep when you are singing "It is I - Captain Vegetable. With my carrots and my celery"


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