Well, tomorrow will be the 2 week mark in this meatless adventure. As someone who is constantly amazed at how fast days turn into months, I must say - it's been a long 14 days! For the most part, it's been fine. We haven't had to grocery shop as much, dinner planning has gone much easier than usual, we haven't gone out to eat as much, and I only miss meat when they replay that damn Applebees commercial every 5 minutes between 9 and 10 o'clock. But there is a major downside to this whole experiment that didn't occur to me until today.
Today it finally feels like Fall. The past month has been a dry, hot extension of summer that caused us to crank up our a.c., break out the benedryl, and smear on the spf 45 every time we leave the house. On Tuesday it was 91 degrees out there, but today it's a brisk 67. There's a chill in the air, a breeze is blowing, it's the first day I haven't had an allergy headache in weeks, and I want to throw on a sweater and get out there and enjoy it.

Normally, we take advantage of this time of year by dining out at one of our favorite burger joints. We eat outside on the patio by the train station. It's cute and quiet and relaxing. It always lends itself to easy conversation, not to mention it's got great food. Today I realized that we're going to miss out on the entire Autumn-eat-outside-in-the-fresh-air season, because there's something not quite fair about ordering a salad and having to smell burgers on the grill.
If only we lived in an area that was more enthusiastic about
grilled cheese.
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