Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Makeover: Take Two

I didn't do a good job explaining the makeover challenge. The beautiful beaches of Jamaica are exclusive to beautiful people, and while I'm taking my beautiful bride, I need some work before being allowed in or even near such beauty. I am sacrificing my carefree attitude towards my appearance, fitness, and health.

So here are the basic rules. First, I should have started working out earlier in order to be in shape for the trip, maybe two or three years earlier, but I'm hoping that if I exercise for at least 45 minutes four times a week I will at least feel like I'm in better shape. Ideally, I'd like to lose my beer belly and drop about 15 pounds, but realistically, that is not going to happen in two months. So I'm going to admit from the start that "attitude is everything" for this piece of the sacrifice.

Secondly, I will tan regularly. Now, I have never gone tanning - I've never even sunbathed... in fact, I don't think I have ever been tan - but we are going to the Caribbean beaches and even spf 342 is not going to stop the sun from getting to me down there and the last thing I want is to be bed-stricken with sun poisoning on my wedding day/honeymoon.

And other than that, I want to do whatever I can look nice. While attitude is everything, I want my appearance to match my attitude. We'll see were that takes me.

I'll admit I'm having some trouble getting started on this one. Unlike the vegetarianism, this is more about the motivation to get up and go do something rather than simply denying myself something. Hopefully, that will soon change.

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