I am notorious for waiting to get my hair cut. Notice the subtitle here. I used to not be so bad about it, but then I let it grow out one year - the year I met Tiff - and ever since then have let it grow weeks past the time that it looks bad to the point where it looks embarrassing. This time around was no different.
I usually get my hair chopped off all at once. What I mean is that I get my hair cut too short and then after a few weeks of growing, it's the length I like. That's why I'm getting my hair cut now, in hopes that in two months I will have perfect length curls and change my name to Samson.
This trip to the barber was not noteworthy by any means. Although when the barber asked me how long I wanted it, I said simply, "shorter," and then looked around and pointed out a guy waiting to get his hair cut and said, "about that long."
Tiff's hair hasn't changed all that much in the time that I've known her. She also got her haircut recently. Whereas my barber seemed to be more concerned with whatever myth was being busted on the Discovery Channel at the time, Tiff went to a fancy place. She had been talking about taking drastic measures with her hair for a few weeks. So with a picture of the one and only Nicole Ritchie in hand, my beautiful bride left the apartment like this.
I was a little nervous to say the least. When she came home, eight hours later, she had half the hair but was twice as beautiful. Look at her now!

This trip to the barber was not noteworthy by any means. Although when the barber asked me how long I wanted it, I said simply, "shorter," and then looked around and pointed out a guy waiting to get his hair cut and said, "about that long."

i cut your hair that time it grew out. i have the sequence of events pictures in my MWC photo album. i remember that it was stressful & i was sweaty.
and tiffany's hair does look lovely :)
Tiff -- you look fabulous!
Love it! What a great look for you. I assume that fancy haircut doesn't mean extra work. Love it!
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