Sunday, February 3, 2008

More Juicing

Here's a video that I meant to post a while ago, but there's not much to say about it.

I'm posting it now because I put it up on youtube along with my previous juicing video on January 25th and it already has 14 views without me doing anything to it, which is a lot for me. I guess juicing is becoming pretty popular.

In fact, Tiff and I were at the doctor's recently and in conversation, Tiff mentioned the juicer. The receptionist got very excited. "Do you have the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer!?!" To which Tiff replied, "We have the Power Juicer Pro." As she told of her friend who has one and loves it, I kept waiting for her to say, "It will change your life!" but she never did. I didn't say anything as I was too focused on the pain in my butt from the giant needle.

Meanwhile, last night, we noticed that our enormous bag of carrots was begining to show signs of age - a few tips started turning brown. So we cranked up the juicer, juiced seven carrots, two apples, and an inch of ginger. Carrots are great because they give quite a bit of juice, as do apples. Ginger doesn't give hardly any juice, in fact, I didn't see any come out when it went in. I sure did smell it though. And the taste is a bit overwhelming. Ginger is powerful stuff.

I enjoyed the taste for a few sips, but an entire glass is asking quite a bit. Thinking of my victory over veggie dogs, I finished my glass. I tried to help Tiff with her last half, but in the end, the ginger got the best of us. I'm sure it has amazing nutritious value, but we will likely veer away from the ginger aisle of the grocery in the future... which is a shame because that inch cost all of 14 cents.

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