Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Penny Pick-Up

When I first started blogging, I felt superior to all and took the time to explain why my blog would surely be better than any blog that has ever existed. Then I ran into this guy's blog and I instantly liked it. In fact, it's been linked to my blog from very early on.

It's a blog all about finding and collecting loose change. At the time, him and this other guy were in a race to see who could collect $100 first, but he's long-since past the $100 mark and he's still going. As he says it's offered a new perspective on life. "Keep your head down and always look for silver." I don't read his blog very often, but I do check-in and it's always pretty cool, even if the coolness lies in the fact that he's still going after all this time, with a current total of $236.60.

With my savings challenge, I think it's time for me to start keeping an eye out for loose change, too. Like the other day, as I was getting a lottery ticket, I watched a penny fall to the ground and settle to a stop. I was next in line and planned on picking it up when a little old man went out of his way to go collect it. He beat me to it... you have to move fast with loose change, especially around old people.

Yesterday, I found a penny though that I can now call my own. I found it in the gym.

Oh yeah, with the lottery... the big billboard on my way home now announces a $122 million prize. I keep telling myself that I shouldn't keep playing, but we'll see.

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