Saturday, February 9, 2008


Went to the grocery store today. I was looking for deals and got more than I had planned on getting. Pasta-Roni for a buck, so I got three. Soup for a buck, so I got three. The soup unfortunately did not ring up on sale so I wasted $.60. I'm a little upset about it.

All and all, my total came to $56.52. I was shooting for $30, but I didn't calculate some of the stuff when I was adding it up in my head, so I won't complain. Oh, and I spent a dollar on the lottery. It's at $150,000,000, I couldn't resist.

As far as savings go though, I chose to walk instead of drive. I feel like gas is one of those things that I never really take into account when I'm adding up my cost of living. Anyways, it's not too far of a walk, but with $50 worth of groceries, I did break a sweat.

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