Monday, February 4, 2008

Back in the Saddle

So I don't like it, but the truth is I'm failing. I've worked-out seven times. This is the fifth week of the year and I've only worked out seven times. I should be nearing twenty. And... I missed almost a week of juicing.

In my defense, I did get sick, and then I got sicker, and I wasn't sure what could have caused it. Juice seemed like a likely suspect to the case of the terrible hives, so I stopped juicing for day after scratching day. The doctor dismissed it quicker than I could explain what we were juicing. He also dismissed exercise, although it is a possibility. Then, he called himself an idiot and admitted that likely he'll never be able to tell me anything about my hives... other than they can be defined as chronic idiosatum something-or-other (Tiff help me out.).

So with the idiot doctor's okay, I plan to restart my challenges - er, um... sacrifices - in full starting today. Juicing and exercising. They almost go hand-in-hand! Wish me luck.

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