Sunday, February 17, 2008


Played the lottery again on Friday, $1 for a chance at over $170 million. It might not be good odds but with so many mentions of the lottery, you can see that I can't resist all those zeros. And yes, I'm aware that I've got my finger on a great way to save money.

So I played, and for the first time ever in all the times I've played, I won some money. I got three numbers including the power ball, or whatever it's called, for a winnings of $10! Woo-hoo! And the jackpot carried over again and now is up to $220 million! We'll see how much of the $10 I spend on it, but now I won't feel so guilty about buying tickets.

To be honest, I've never felt guilty... maybe a bit foolish, but never guilty.

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