Yep, straight from the generation that brought you ADHD. I looked through a bunch of vaguely familiar Kool-Aid commercials on YouTube, and when I found this one it was a sudden flashback of Saturday mornings as a kid. Anyways, I have fond memories of waiting to see what color Kool-Aid was in the brown Kool-Aid pitcher. Would it be red, or would it be purple? I always rooted for purple, even though thinking back on it, I think I liked the red better.

Soon though, new flavors came out and the purple and red lost out to another color... yellow. Of the 28 flavors sold today only one has the iconic "Oh Yeah!" in it's name. Oh Yeah! Orange-Pineapple is by far the best Kool-Aid ever made, hands-down, no contest. It has just the right blend of, well, flavored sugar that makes you say, "Oh, Yeah!" Just to note, I stopped drinking Oh Yeah Orange-Pineapple rather abruptlyafter a friend pointed out that the Yellow #5 at the bottom of the list of ingredients could have some adverse effects on my man parts.
Today Tiff and I tried our own orange-pineapple juice. We only had two oranges left so we used them and half a pineapple. Oh, yeah, it was good. It was even better than the original! And while I love the idea of stirring water until you can't hear the sugar grinding under the spoon anymore, I think this might be a little better for me. -Yikes, I sound old.
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