Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wii Have a New Challenge

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve posted here! I’ve missed it! December was a challenge-less mess, I must say. After the no-sweets challenge, we were feeling good. We did a poor job blogging about it, but a month with little-to-no sugar made us both feel great, even if we did have to skip the pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. And, what better way to ease back into dessert than by having your first cake be your wedding cake?!

That’s when it all went downhill. Vacation… “It’s all inclusive!” was the motto at our resort in Jamaica, and they weren’t kidding. No sacrificing there, that’s for sure. Twenty four hour buffets and snacks and lazy days at the beach make a girl forget all about sacrificing. We only thought about these challenges once on the whole trip and it was during our newlywed debut on stage playing the Couples Game Show while everyone ate their dinner. There are many great questions and answers that came out of this game, most of which are too embarrassing to have in writing. One of my questions was:

What’s the one thing your husband talks about all the time and you think it’s so boring you stop listening?

John’s answer to this was “My Challenges?” which made everyone laugh but me! I actually love these things, so I’m setting the record straight, here for all three of you readers out there! My real answer was football. Duh.

Anyway, vacation and the holidays flew by and now here it is January and I am more than happy to be back on a challenge, especially this one! I pushed for the exercise challenge with a little help from the Wii. My little sister was one of the lucky ones this Christmas who got the almighty Wii. We spent a lot of time bowling, playing tennis, and throwing our backs out trying to hit a Wii baseball. We also took the Wii Fitness Age Test, which asks you to bowl the best you can, hit as many tennis balls in bounds as you can, and hit as many homeruns as you can, then at the end it reveals your Wii Fitness Age! When I found out I was 66, the exercise challenge was locked in!

Unlike the other challenges, this one has no end in sight, which I hope doesn’t affect my success rate of 100 percent. In the next few days we will be setting up all the details. We’re getting a goal tracker for the blog, taking lots of different tests to track our possible brain improvement, and I’m even getting new tennis shoes which I haven’t done since high school. Yep, I work out so little that my 1995 Adidas are the only pair of tennis shoes I own. We’re also going to track our weight and blood pressure and any other cool stuff we can think of.

It’s a true New Years Resolution, one that I’m sure thousands make each January. And if we can be successful - John working the night shift and having no energy, and me with my old tennis shoes to prove to you that I am only one step away from being completely anti-exercise, then really, anyone can do it!


John Duffy said...

I just want to say that my 27 year old body has a fitness age of 28. I don't plan on hitting 66 for a long time.

Ann L. Duffy said...

My Wii Fitness age varies - 28 one day, 66 the next. I think I'll settle on the average....

Exercise Challenge Tracker