Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Workout Begins

So yesterday I finally started the exercise sacrifice, if exercise can be called a sacrifice. We had to start yesterday in order to get the required four workouts each week in, because for some reason our workout week is Wednesday to Tuesday. I'm not really sure why that is and I don't remember any conversations about it, but it's never been in question. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

God, I look good on camera. I'm like a ...ummm... natural in front of the ...uhhh... camera.

Did you notice our state of the art workout facility? It's a pretty tiny little place with one elliptical machine, one treadmill, two bikes (one of which doesn't work too well), and four different weight machines. It's not too bad if it were all ours, although we still have to trade off on the elliptical, but if there's anyone else in there it's pretty awful.

I didn't want to do too much, being the first day, but I was still shooting for an hour, so I did, I think, 28 minutes on the elliptical and then some weights, which Tiff and I are still deciding if they count towards brain development, but I'm pretty sure it will have to for the sake of the sacrifice. Anyways, Tiff took a break from her workout to take pictures. At some point, she switched her camera to video, so here's a video that begins with me posing waiting for a flash. The surprise, ironically, is natural.

So the challenge begins and as I mentioned, it was a challenge. I'm going to have to remember that getting very little sleep for a few days in a row, staying up late the night before playing Smallville trivia drinking games, and waking up early does not make for ideal workout conditions.

1 comment:

Ann L. Duffy said...

There is actually a website called the "long awkward pose". Your video is the perfect candidate. Congrats on day 1. One day at a time.....

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