Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I have quite a few challenges in mind, and I'm having trouble deciding which to dub my official New Year's Resolution. It might not be all too exciting to write about, but I'm going with one that fell to the wayside during my makeover challenge. Exercise.

Exercise won out as it's the most common of my planned sacrifices, and I feel I should try to make these challenges somewhat relateable. And while I'm sure the world is all clamoring about which they'll try first, a no meat diet or a no sweet diet, I predict exercise finally will be my ticket to mass popularity and my own paparazzi detail.

Maybe not. But hopefully, I'll at least feel better. I should say, though, that while I'm excited by the possibility of feeling better, that's not my focus here. And I'm also not too concerned about my weight, although I will be keeping an eye on that. My goal is to get smarter.

Recently, smart people have done studies proving that exercise not only causes people to do better on tests, it actually rebuilds brain cells. I like the idea of rebuilding my brain. It's something that, after five years out of school and two years working overnights, is probably desperately needed... not that I didn't kill off a good amount of brain cells in college.

So... New Year's Resolution: I will exercise four days a week for an hour a day. There is no deadline for this one, it's just a change in life. I've already got a bad feeling about this as night has fallen on New Year's Day and I'm still wearing my pajamas.

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