Tuesday, September 22, 2009

No Video, No Game, Make John... Something, Something

I haven't posted in a while, and it's with a heavy heart that I have to admit that I am a failure.
I played some video games over the weekend. It was on the Wii with my sister-in-law. I resisted briefly, but I was encouraged by Tiff. Plus, I didn't want to seem weird in front of her family, so I didn't put up much of a fight.

They got a new game... Wii Sports Resort. It's pretty neat! You can canoe and play basketball and ping-pong and archery and water-skiing and fencing. I sucked at all of them! There's something up with the Wii - I seem to be pretty bad at all of their games. The only one that halfway decent at is MarioKart... which if you are going to be halfway decent at one thing, it really should be MarioKart.

Anyways, that's all in the past now, and I'm not sure how to score it. In my defense, I was neither playing at home, nor was I playing alone. So, while I'm a bit upset with myself, I think I'm giving myself a pass on this one.

That being said, I'm on day 21 since I began, and my thoughts towards playing games now range from "This is stupid, one game of soccer won't hurt" to "I'm bored, I wish I could play" to "I wonder what the guys on my team are up to... oh yeah, they're not real." It's that one that kind of worries me, and makes me wonder if one month is too short.

We'll see how the next week and a half or so plays out though. No more slip-ups though... I'm seeing it through.

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