Monday, September 7, 2009

Loooong Weekend

So Labor Day Weekend is essentially over and I have to say that three days makes for a very long weekend. Sure I did stuff; I did just about everything that I could think of, but I think on a normal weekend I would spend a solid few hours each day playing games - most likely soccer. Trying to avoid the temptation of playing, I wound up just feeling all antsy-in-my-pantsy and sitting around doing nothing much.

I've spent most of that time trying to figure out what sort of hobby I could get into. I tried to write, which didn't last too long, but I may give it another shot. Tiffany's trying to get me to start painting, which I think I would enjoy, if I thought I had something to paint. I read a little bit. I drove around a little bit. I watched a whole heckuva lot of TV. But none of it equaled a hobby.

Then this morning I started to wonder what normal people do. After a little bit of thought, it dawned on me that I should probably be doing like house maintenance and work on our new house... it still has a lot of work to do.

So, I cleaned out a corner of the garage! It wasn't much, but it needed doing. And I didn't feel so bad watching all that television today.

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