Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cooking... with John

It’s a new month and with that comes a new challenge. I’ve got a long list of ones I’d like to try, but after I take out the ones that would be too hard, too much of a change, too dangerous, or just too expensive, the list is much, much smaller.

This month’s challenge stems from necessity. Tiff recently got a job that changes her daily routine around a bit and leaves me home alone until 6:45 or so. That being said, and with a great deal of anxiety, that leaves me in charge of dinner.

Over the last few years, me being in charge of dinner usually means a trip to some sort of quick-serve, not-fast-food dinner. Ever since Tiff became a vegetarian, the selection is almost always Five Guys or Chipotle. They’ve got some great food, but I need to learn to cook.

So this month’s challenge is a two-parter. First off, no going out to eat, especially on weekdays. And the bigger of the two, will be cooking every night.

Tonight, I’m starting out easy. On the menu is pasta.

Just to make it official:

Cooking: 1 Month

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