Monday, December 3, 2007

Sweeeeeet!! It's over.

So it's now December 3 and I'm just getting around to writing about the end of my No Sweets Challenge which ended three days ago. Truth is I was on a two day sugar rush and then crashed and am just now getting back on my feet. Just kidding.

The challenge started out rough, really rough. I think that was a result of the caffeine more than the sugar, which I think I started drinking with tea. But after the first week, it went really smooth and I didn't have any problems. I actually liked it!

I did not however write much about it... or anything else for that matter. It's almost like without sweets in my life, my life's just not as sweet.

I did do stuff. I even thought stuff. I could have written about a lot. I kept meaning to film all the candy we still have in the apartment... I bunch of fun-sized MilkyWays, a couple of fun-sized Butterfingers, a full sized Snickers, a bag of peanut M&M's, and some other stuff - all leftover handouts from Jane at work... a bunch of the Milky Ways are now gone though.

And it didn't take much before I ate too much. Three Hershey kisses was enough for me at midnight on Friday. I had a Coke yesterday and had to share it with Tiff because I couldn't finish it. I no doubt will fall back into the sugar-filled diet I've grown accustom to, especially as I'm about to head off to Jamaica - I'm getting married! - but for now I'll hold off on the sweets. Thank you very much.

As far as ratings go... I did okay. I slipped up once. I had some soda and a small piece of cake... it had been looking at me for hours, just begging to be eaten. Unlike the vegetarian challenge however, I do feel the difference in my body and will probably think about it each time I eat too much sweet stuff. So I'll say a 23 out of 30. Again, it's not too bad.

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