Friday, September 28, 2007

Vegetarian - One Month

I wish all vegetables were as cute as the Veggie Tales gang. If they were, I think I'd be more inclined to eat them... or maybe invite them over for dinner. It's okay I probably wouldn't eat any of them, I'm pretty much a solid meat and potatoes type of guy. Vegetables.

I like my hamburgers and hot dogs, chicken sandwiches and ham and cheese sandwiches, steak and turkey. I love meatloaf and sloppy joes. I like bar-b-cue pork and baby back ribs. I like a big sausage. Pizza needs pepperoni to be pizza and chili needs more than beans to be chili.

In other words, I like meat. I think all my favorite foods are all meaty, so it's with a heavy heart that I, along with the better half of the Muted Guerrilla and my better half, Tiffany, take on our first challenge. Vegetarianism - 1 month. It starts today, September 28, 2007 and we will run it through October.

A few guidelines. We will follow the lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet which allows us both milk and eggs - thank God. As much as I like PB&J and spaghetti, we must try some of the more stereotypical vegetarian meals... ie. veggie-burgers (gulp!), something with tofu (double gulp!), and vegetables (gulp! gulp! gulp!).

Anyways, for our last meal, we got hamburgers from Five Guys.

These fries were from Ashton, Idaho. I should have taken a picture of us enjoying them, but they were gone too fast, fries and all.

Let the madness begin. Who knows, maybe I'll end up liking it and dedicate my life to growing organic fruits and vegetables, but don't hold your breath.

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